Norma Torres tweeted the following:
"From AIDS to COVID-19, Dr. Fauci has faced many crises in his more than 50 years of service. Thank you Dr. Fauci! We have lost over 90,000 Californians to COVID but it would have been more without your help"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Norma Torres:
"Another reason Im glad the #inflationreductionact passed: without this law, health insurance rates for many working families in CA would have doubled. Premiums would have increased 71% on average for those earning less than 400% of the poverty line estimates Covered California." on Aug. 19Read on Twitter
"Glad the FTC is taking the protection of Americans' health data seriously! This is exactly why I sent a letter with @RepFletcher and 70 of our colleagues to @linakhanFTC earlier this year. We must protect #healthdata!" on Aug. 18Read on Twitter
"From what started as a small business operated out of the back of a car, it soon transformed into the Eastman Music Company in Pomona. This company has allowed musicians around the nation to follow their passion for music and show their talents. #Madeinthe35th" on Aug. 18Read on Twitter